Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing

The PVSS scheme used is a modified Scrape PVSS.

Dealer's role

  1. The dealer chooses a uniformly random polynomial \(f(x) = \sum^p_i a_i x^i \) of degree \(t\).
  2. Let \(F_0, \ldots, F_p \leftarrow [a_0] G_1, \ldots, [a_t] G_1 \)
  3. Let \(\hat{u}_2 \rightarrow [a_0] \hat{u_1} \)
  4. For each validator \(i\), for each \(\omega_j \in \Omega_i\), encrypt the evaluation \( \hat{Y}_{i, \omega_j} \leftarrow [f(\omega_j)] ek_i \)
  5. Post the signed message \(\tau, (F_0, \ldots, F_t), \hat{u}2, (\hat{Y}{i,\omega_j})\) to the blockchain

Public verification

  1. Check \(e(F_0, \hat{u}_1)= e(G_1, \hat{u_2})\)
  2. Compute by FFT \(A_1, \ldots, A_W \leftarrow [f(\omega_0)]G_1, \ldots, [f(\omega_W)]G_1 \)
  3. Partition \(A_1, \ldots, A_W\) into \(A_{i,\omega_j} \) for validator \(i\)'s shares \(\omega_j\)
  4. For each encrypted share \(\hat{Y}{i,\omega_i} \), check \(e(G_1, \hat{Y}{i,\omega_j}) = e(A_{i,\omega_j}, ek_i) \)


Two PVSS instances \( ({F_j}, \hat{u}2, \hat{Y}{i,\omega_j}) \) may be aggregated into a single PVSS instance by adding elementwise each of the corresponding group elements.

Validator decryption of private key shares

A validator \(i\) recovers their private key shares \(Z_{i,\omega_j}\) from the shares encrypted to their public encryption key \(ek_i\):

\[Z_{i, \omega_j} = [dk_i^{-1}] \hat{Y}_{i, \omega_j} \]

Public Aggregation

Multiple PVSS instances can be aggregated into one by a single validator, speeding up verification time. The aggregation and verification are similar to the Aggregatable DKG paper.


It is critical that all validators agree on which PVSS instances are used to create the final key; in particular, this is exactly what makes Ferveo depend on a synchronous consensus protocol like Tendermint. Therefore, the validators must all verify the PVSS instances and agree on the set of valid PVSS instances; or in the case where a validator has aggregated all PVSS instances, the validator set must agree on a valid aggregation of PVSS instances.

However, although full nodes can certainly perform the verification of a PVSS instance or aggregation, full nodes do not need to verify either the PVSS instances or the aggregation.