Threshold Encryption
Curve specification
Let \(P_1, P_2\) be the generators of \(G_1, G_2\) respectively.
Let \(H\) be a hash function from \({0,1}^* \to G_2\).
Let \(G\) be a PRF from \(G_1 \to {0,1}^*\)
In the protocol, \(U\) is on \(G_1\), pubkeys \(Y\) are on \(G_1\), and \(W\) is on \(G_2\).
\(Enc(m, AD):\)
- Let \(r\) be a random scalar
- Let ((U = rP_1\)
- Let \(V = G(rY) \oplus m\)
- Let \(W = rH(U, V, AD)))
The public key portion of the ciphertext is (((U, W)\) and \(V\) is the ciphertext.
Calculate Decryption Share
\(Dec(U, V, W, AD, x_i):\)
- Let \(H = H(U,V, AD)\)
- Check that \(e(P_1, W) = e(U, H)\)
If the above check passes, the decryption share is \(U_i = x_i U\).
Decryption share validation
\(Verify_Dec(C, AD, U_i, Y_i):\)
- Parse C as \((U, V, W)\)
- Compute \(H = H(U,V,AD)\)
- Check that \(e(P_1, W) = e(U, H)\)
- If the above check passes, check \(e(U_i, H) = e(Y_i, W)\)
Decryption share aggregation
Given \(t\) evaluations of \((i, f(i + 1) P_1)\), for a polynomial \(f\) of degree less than \(t\), we can compute \(f(0) P_1\) via lagrange interpolation.
Since we are given many evaluations of \(U_i = f(i + 1) U = x_i r P_1\), we can use lagrange interpolation to obtain \(x r P_1 = rY\).
Then we get our decrypted message as \(decrypt(G(rY), V)\).