Threshold Signature Scheme
A Schnorr-like signature scheme based on Gap Diffie-Hellman in ROM.
- Let \(G\) be a generator of (\mathbb{G}_1\) and let \(H\) be a generator of \(\mathbb{G}_2\)
- Let \(Y = [x] G\) be the public key and \(Y_i = [x_i] G\) be the public key of the \(i\)th share
- Let \(Z = [x] H\) be the private key, and \(Z_i = [x_i] H\) be the private key of the \(i\)th share
- Let \(H_\ell\) denote hash to \({0,1}^{\ell}\) for some integer \(\ell\)
- Let \(H_\mathbb{F}\) denote hash to scalar field \(\mathbb{F}\)
- Let \(H_\mathbb{G}\) denote hash to group \(\mathbb{G}\)
To sign with group element as private key
Let \(m\) be the message to sign.
- Let \(k\) be a random scalar
- Let \(R = e([k] G, H)\)
- Let \(c = H_\mathbb{F}(R || Y || m)\)
- Let \(z = [k] H + [c] Z\)
- Let the signature be \(\sigma = (R,z)\)
Note that \(z = [k+xc] H\), but is computable without knowledge of \(x\).
To verify
- Let \(\sigma = (R,z)\) be the signature of \(m\)
- Let \(c = H_\mathbb{F}( R || Y || m)\)
- Let \(R' = e( G, z)*e([c]Y, H)^{-1}\)
- If \(R = R'\) the signature is valid.
Threshold Signature
The technique of FROST can be applied here; the individual commitments \(R_i\) are computed similar to FROST as:
\(R_i = e(D + [\rho_i] E_i, H)\)
\(R = \prod R_i\)
and the value \(z = [d_i + e_i \rho_i]H + [\lambda_i s_i c] Z\)